
Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide 71
Using Your NOOK in a Barnes & Noble Store
When you turn on your NOOK in a Barnes & Noble store, your NOOK automatically detects the Wi-Fi network
running in the store. Your NOOK displays a special window, asking if you would like to connect to the InStore net-
• To connect to the store’s network, tap the Connect button.
• To use your NOOK without connecting to the store’s network, tap the Dismiss button.
Read In Store: Reading Books in a Barnes & Noble Store
When you use your NOOK in a Barnes & Noble store, you have access to all the usual features of your NOOK. In
addition, you have special privileges and abilities, including the ability to read most NOOK Books for one hour per
day free.
After you have read a book free for one hour, a dialog box appears, letting you know that one hour has passed. The
dialog box oers you two choices:
• Buy the book
• Add the book to your wishlist
NOTE: Barnes & Noble More In Store™ provides access to exclusive content and oers available only when
connected to a Barnes & Noble InStore Wi-Fi hotspot.