
The following items should be checked before each use and once every 100 miles of towing:
(1) Check lighting to be sure stop, tail and turn signals are working properly. Replace any broken lenses,
reflectors or bulbs.
(2) Check wires for good connections and possible fraying or wearing of insulation.
(3) Check and properly maintain the trailer, hitch, ball and coupler.
(4) Inspect hitch and ball for damage in every day use. Ball or hitch can be damaged in parking, hitting
curbs, dragging when crossing ditches or railroad tracks.
(5) Check and properly tighten all bolts on trailer, hitch, ball and coupler (including wheels).
(6) Check safety chains for wear and do not allow them to drag on ground.
(7) Towing vehicle tires – check tires for wear and proper inflation (Consult Vehicle Owner’s Manual for
proper level of inflation of tires for towing a trailer).
(8) Trailer Tires– Check tires for wear and proper inflation. If it becomes necessary to change a tire,
replace only with a tire of the same size rating and capacity.
(9) Carry emergency flares and fire extinguisher (required in some states).
(10) Carry extra light bulbs and fuses.
(11) Wheel bearings should be checked and replaced after the first 100 miles, and every 4000 miles
thereafter or at least once a year. Wheel bearing grease or a good grade of multi–purpose grease
should be used for packing wheel bearings. If you don’t know how to repack your wheel bearing,
take your trailer to a garage for advice.
(12) Vehicle maintenance – For proper vehicle maintenance while towing a trailer, refer to your Vehicle
Owner’s Manual and manufacturer’s specifications.