36 CCM4850 Installer/User Guide
In the following example, the keyword value “576” is not valid. Numeric keyword values must be
fully specified and may not be shortened to three characters.
ERR 27 - SET keyword value invalid
In the following example, there are spaces between BAUD, the equal sign and the value 57600.
Spaces are not permitted between keyword parameters and their values.
ERR 26 - SET keyword parameter invalid
Syntax conventions
This manual uses the following command syntax conventions:
• Brackets [ ] surround optional keywords and values.
• Angle brackets < > surround user-supplied positional parameters and keyword parameter values.
• In most cases, choices are separated by a vertical bar |. The description indicates if you may
specify more than one of the choices and how to separate multiple values. The exception is the
Server SSH command. In this case, the vertical bar is specified on the command line when you
wish to enable the “password or key” method (PW|KEY) or the “key or password”
method (KEY|PW).
Command Summary
Table 4.4 lists the CCM appliance commands, including a brief description plus the required access
rights and level.
Table 4.4: CCM Appliance Command Summary
Command Description, Access Right and Access Level
Accesses devices from the console port.
Access right: port-specific
Access level: ADMIN or APPLIANCEADMIN (Users who do not have the ADMIN or
APPLIANCEADMIN level must have the appropriate port access configured to issue
this command.)
Ends a device session initiated with Connect command.
Access right: port-specific
Access level: ADMIN or APPLIANCEADMIN (Users who do not have the ADMIN or
APPLIANCEADMIN level must have the appropriate port access configured to issue
this command.)
Displays information about commands.
Access right: none needed
Access level: all