Chapter 3: Operations 31
5. Click OK to enable the broadcast. Click X or press Escape to cancel and return to the Com-
mands dialog box.
6. If broadcasting is enabled, type the information and/or perform the mouse movements you
want to broadcast from the user station. Only servers in the list are accessible.
NOTE: The other user is disabled when Broadcast mode is enabled.
To turn broadcasting off:
From the Commands dialog box, clear the Broadcast Enable checkbox.
Changing Your Switch Mode
Your AutoView 2020/2030 switch allows you to connect to attached servers using two methods:
Preemptive and Cooperative.
Select Preemptive (default setting) to allow any user to select any server at any time; a request from
another user disconnects the current user without warning.
Select Cooperative to maintain the current user connection; the current user will not be
disconnected if another user requests connection.
To access the Switch dialog box:
1. Press
Print Screen. The Main dialog box will display.
2. Click Setup-Switch. The Swfmm(t)-7(c1)10.5(i)5.4lc1bo1in