8 AutoView 3050/3100/3200 Switch Installer/User Guide
NOTE: When connecting a Sun IQ module, you must use a multi-sync monitor in the local port to accommodate
Sun computers that support both VGA and sync-on-green or composite sync.
6. Plug a UTP patch cable from your Ethernet network into the LAN port on the back of your
AutoView 3050/3100/3200 switch. Network users will access the AutoView 3050/3100/3200
switch through this port.
7. Turn on each target device and then turn on the AutoV
iew 3050/3100/3200 switch. After about
one minute, the switch completes initialization and displays the OSCAR graphical user
interface Free tag on the local port monitor.
8. Point your web browser to the default IP address to access the device.
9. Log in to the OBWI and, using the top menu bar, select Applian
ce-Appliance Settings-
Network. Enter the appropriate addressing information for your network.
- or -
Print Screen to activate the OSCAR menu. Click Setup-Network-Set IP Address and
enter the appropriate addressing information for your network.
To connect a serial IQ module to a serial device:
1. Attach the serial IQ module 9-pin serial connecto
r to the serial port of the device to be
connected to your AutoView 3050/3100/3200 switch.
2. Attach one end of the UTP patch cable to the RJ
-45 connector on the IQ module. Connect the
other end of the UTP patch cable to the desired port on the back of your AutoView 3050/3100/
3200 switch.
NOTE: The serial IQ module is a DCE device and only supports VT100 terminal emulation.
3. Connect the power supply to the power connector on your serial IQ module. The cable
expander can be used to turn on to four serial IQ modules from a single power supply.
4. Connect the serial IQ module power supply to a grounded AC wall outlet. Turn on your serial
device. See the U
sing Serial IQ Modules on pa
ge 77 for more information.
Configuring the AutoView 3050/3100/3200 Switch
Once all mechanical connections have been made, you will need to configure the switch for use in
the overall switching system. See Chapter 6 for detailed instructions.
Setting up the built-in web server
You can access the AutoView 3050/3100/3200 switch via an embedded web server that handles
most day-to-day switching tasks. Before using the web server to access the switch, first specify an
IP address through the 10101 port on the back panel of the switch or through the OSCAR interface.
See Chapter 4 for detailed instructions on using the OBWI for switching.