Chapter 4: Advanced Operations 43
4. From the Commands menu, click the Broadcast Active checkbox to
activate the broadcast mode for the primary switch.
5. From a user station attached to the primary switch and connected to the
secondary switch, type the information and/or select the mouse
movements you want to broadcast.
NOTE: Once you exit OSCAR, broadcasting is activated and any keystrokes or mouse
movements will be active.
To turn off broadcast mode for a cascaded conī¬guration:
1. From the Commands menu at the primary switch, clear the Broadcast
Active checkbox.
2. In the Main dialog box at the primary switch, click to select the port
number or name of the secondary switch to which you want to stop
broadcasting commands. Press Print Screen to display OSCAR at the
secondary switch.
3. Click Commands.
4. From the Commands menu, clear the Broadcast Active checkbox.