Getting started
signals a high-priority event, green a medium priority event, and orange a
low-priority event.
You can assign one of the following events to each priority level:
• Missed calls
• Text messages
• Voice messages
• Text and voice messages
• Mandown
• Low battery
For an example of event assignments, see the following table:
With these example assignments in place, the following can occur:
• If you miss a call, the LED indicator flashes green.
• When the LED indicator is flashing green to indicate a missed call,
and a new message arrives, the LED indicator continues to flash
green because green signal events have a higher priority than orange
signal events.
• When the LED indicator is flashing green to indicate a missed call,
and the battery becomes low on charge, the LED indicator flashes red
because red signal events have a higher priority than green signal
The LED indicator priorities are permanently assigned (red always
indicates high priority, green medium, and orange low). LED indicator
Table 4: Example event assignments
Priority LED Colour
Example event
High Red Low battery
Medium Green Missed call
Low Orange New message