
CT-3200 Installation Guide P. 13
Troubleshooting Poor Transmitting Range
installed at least 7.5 cm (3 in.) from the
he best location. Install the antenna as far
oise, airports,
12. vehicle can affect range as well; vans in general have an especially
or ran
e signal from the remote control). As a result, the direction in which the vehicle is
cing in
15. g the
ted order for the Installation procedure. It is intended as guide for novices,
of installing a remote start module easier. Time is wasted by rewiring the
the vehicle is starts and idles properly with the Ignition key,
and that the electrical system is not compromised in any way.
l, you can start by looking for the
wires that will be needed.
when removing the panels that are covering the wires you are
the wires have been found, they should be hot wired to verify that they are the
correct wires you will need for the installation.
an be stripped to expose the wire ( over one inch
of plastic should be removed).
In order to ensure optimal range, the antenna should be
roof – 2.5 cm (one inch) below the tint strip is generally t
as possible from radio antennas, GPS, Onstar or factory compasses.
Many factors may affect the operating range of the transmitter. Some of these are:
9. The condition of the battery in the transmitter.
10. The operating environment (for example: downtown radio-frequency n
cellular phone towers…)
11. Metal: any type of metal will affect operating range. This includes the metal in the car.
The shape of the
po ge.
13. The shape of the roof and A-pillars brings about considerable radio-frequency deflection
(in this case th
fa relation to the remote control can affect the range. Straight on – standing in front of the
vehicle – generally gives you the greatest range; the second best performance is from the back.
Using the remote control from either side of the vehicle will usually give the lowest range.
The range will be significantly lower in a crowded parking lot than in open space.
Always hold the transmitter high, approximately at shoulder height. Holdin
tra ter against your chin will also increase your range: your head acts as an antenna.
16. The operating range will be somewhat lower on vehicles equipped with an aftermarket
or factory alarm.
17. Windows and windshields tinted with lead or metallic tints will decrease the operating
18. The antenna cable may have been cut and/or is grounded out on the chassis. Try using
19. The receiver may be faulty. Try replacing it with another.
Installation Order
The following is a sugges
to help make the process
module when mistakes are made, also the neatness of the install is lessened every time the
module is taken down and the wiring is “corrected”. A Messy install is harder to trouble shoot if
there are problems later on. The actual “how to install” is not covered by this list, the order of the
installation processes is the focus.
Before you get started, make sure
After deciding what options are to be added to the basic instal
Remember to take care
Once all of
When all the wire pass the hot wire test, they c