XV6600WOC User Manual114
XV6600WOC User Manual 115
Association tab
You can associate any or all of the supported le types with
the Album program. When selecting a le of the associated
type in the File Explorer, it will automatically be opened using
the album application. ( If Album is not already running when
you select the associated le type, Album will launch.)
Slide Show tab
These settings control only the behavior of Slide Show view
mode. These options are mostly self-explanatory. Just choose
the item you need and follow the relevant procedures for the
way you want the Slide Show to work.
Detailed View Mode
Detailed View mode displays the selected le in an enlarged
view, and you can further manipulate the view in various ways
(zoom, rotate, pan, etc.).
Command Bar
Hide or display the Toolbar.
Switch to Thumbnail view.
Switch to Slide Show view.