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Playing Audio CDs
When playing an audio CD, the DISPLAY Banner appears automatically. It displays the current track and the amount of the
time for that track playing, the total amount of time on the disc and the current time running on the disc. Press the DISPLAY
button on the remote to display the DISPLAY Banner. The options below show you what happens when you press the
DISPLAY button.
Press DISPLAY 1x SINGLE ELAPSED appears along with the current track playing and the time of that track.
Press DISPLAY 2x SINGLE REMAIN appears along with the current track playing the and the amount of time left
for the track.
Press DISPLAY 3x TOTAL ELAPSED appears along with the current track playing and the total time the disc has
been playing.
Press DISPLAY 4x TOTAL REMAIN appears along with the current track playing and the amount of time left on
the CD.
Press DISPLAY 5x Turns off the DISPLAY Banner.
Using the REPEAT Feature
The default mode for the Repeat feature is OFF. Pressing REPEAT consecutively changes the repeat options:
• REP-ONE- repeats the track that is playing.
• REP-ALL- repeats the disc that is playing.
As you toggle through the options, the repeat option changes at that time. The tracks, for example, repeats once that tracks
has ended. The selected repeat option loops repeatedly until you turn it off.