4. Within 10 seconds of turning the ignition switch on, begin to enter
units digit of override code. (In this example the code is 11, so press
and release the Valet/Override pushbutton one time).
5. Within 5 seconds after the last units digit is entered, turn the
ignition switch off, then on, and start your vehicle.
If the manual override code is entered properly, the unit stops sounding, the
LED turns off, indicating a successful override. The system is now disarmed
and you can start and operate your vehicle. The unit will allow three attempts to
disarm via the manual override sequence. If the code is not successfully
entered within the three attempts, disarming with the manual override switch
will be locked for 10 minutes.
In many cases, to increase the security of your system, you may elect to
change the manual override code to a number that is more familiar to you, or
simply to have a different code than was pre-assigned from the factory. To
Change the pre-assigned override code follow the steps outlined below.
It is advised you read both sections under the headings “Programming Your
Custom Override Code” and, “Custom Code Programming Example”, To
completely understand the proceedure before beginning:
Unlike override switches easily found, and defeated, the PRO-9232S allows
the consumer to program a personal override code, offering a higher level of
security. The system comes from the factory with a pre-programmed override
code of 11. To change this default override code, do the following:
1. Disarm the system by use of the transmitter, or by use of the emer
gency override sequence. Turn the ignition switch to the on position.
2. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet/override switch, 3
3. Within 10 seconds turn the ignition switch off, on, off, on, off, on.
(The siren or horn will beep and the lights will flash one time.)
4. Within 10 seconds, begin to enter your chosen 10ths digit by pressing
and releasing thepushbutton switch from 1up to 9 times.
5. Within 10 seconds of the last entered 10ths digit, turn the ignition
switch off then on.
6. Within 10 seconds, begin to enter your chosen units digit by pressing
and releasing thepushbutton switch from 1 up to 9 times.
7. Finish by turning the ignition switch to the off position.
If the new code was accepted, the unit will report back the newly entered code,
by flashing the LED, first indicating the 10ths digit, pause and then the units
digit. The unit will report the new code three times with a one second pause
between each code, then the system will begin arming. If the LED flash