Objects and Liquids
Cleaning the Unit
Topreventfire orelectric shock,do notexposethis applianceto rainor moisture.
Donot placethe seton anunstable cart,stand,tripod, bracketor tableto preventitfrom falling.
Keepthe unitaway fromstrong magnets,heat sources,directsunlight, orexcessive dust.
If theunit is broughtdirectly from acold to awarm location, moisturemay condense insidethe unit.
When youmove it froma cold toa warm location, waitfor about onehour before operatingthe unit,
orremove thedisc andleave theunit turnedonuntil themoisture evaporates.
Ensure that the unit is installed and used in accordance with the instructions and illustrations
provided in this manual.
Do not push objects of any kind into the unit through openings.
Do notspill, splash or sprayliquid ofany kind onor inthe system(this may resultin afire or electric
Donot placeanything heavyon theunit.
Donot placeany openflame sources,such aslightedcandles, onthe unit.
To ensure proper ventilation and proper operation, never cover or block the slots and openings
with a cloth or other material.
Do not attempt to disassemble the case or replace the battery. There is a risk of electric shock
and/or exposure to Laser Radiation. Contact qualified service personnel if your system is in
need of repair.
Whencleaning, makesure thesystem isunplugged fromthepower source.
Donot useliquid cleanersor aerosolcleaners.
Usea clothlightly dampenedwith waterfor cleaningtheexterior ofthe DVDPlayer systemonly.