CLI error messages
The following error messages may be returned by the Command line Interface
ERROR. Invalid Command. Type 'Help' for command list.
ERROR. Wrong/Missing Parameters
Usage: <usage string>
ERROR Invalid RAID Group state
ERROR Invalid Block Device index
ERROR Invalid RAID Member index
ERROR Maximum number of RAID Groups exceeded
ERROR Insufficient number of RAID Group members
Block Device at specified index no longer available
ERROR Insufficient RAID Group members for RAID type
Ethernet port used to manage the FastStream VT 5300
BlockDevID index designation of a block device not assigned to any other RAID Group
cap capacity of the block device
DevIndex index designation of the RAID member
GroupName ASCII name of a RAID Group
grpName the name of the RAID Group to which the block device is assigned, or blank if the
block device is available
id index designation of a block device
ileave interleave of RAID Group in blocks
mem number of RAID members in the RAID Group
MemberIndex index designation of a RAID Group member
numLines number of output lines to follow
prodId 16-character ASCII SCSI product ID of the RAID member
rebuildStatus rebuild status: OK, INPROGRESS, FAULTED or HALTED
rev or rv 4-character ASCII Revision string of the RAID member
serNum least significant 16 digits of the RAID member’s serial number
stat or status current RAID Group status--NEW, ONLINE, DEGRADED, WAITING, or OFFLINE
type RAID Group type: JBOD, RAID0, RAID1, or RAID10
vId or vendid 8-character ASCII SCSI vendor ID of the RAID member
Symbol Indicates