15 Total - Choose from parametric, shelf or allpass. Adjust
frequency, level and Q
Frequency 20Hz - 20kHz, 1Hz increments, default = 1kHz
Level +15 to -30dB, 0.1dB increments, default = 0.0dB
Q .016 to 4 oct., default = 1 oct. BW
Type PEQ, 4 shelf types, Allpass,
default = PEQ
Protea 24.24M Matrix Processor
Output Block Defi nitions
Protect your system from harmful audio peaks or keep output
levels within a specifi ed range
Threshold +20dBu to -20dBu, 1dB increments, default = 0dBu
Ratio 1 to inf steps = 1.2, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, inf,
default =10:1
Attack .5 to 50ms/dB steps = .2, .5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50ms,
default =5ms
Release 10ms to 1000ms/dB
steps =5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500,1000ms,
default =100ms
Link Channels On or off,
default =Not Linked
Set Crossover Frequencies - Choose from Bessel, Butterworth or
Type 12 to 48dB/oct, steps =12, 18, 24, 48dB/oct, Butterworth,
Bessel, LR, default =24dB/oct LR
Frequency 20Hz - 20kHz, off 1 Hz increments, default =Full Range
Cross Point Mixer
Mix or mute any or all inputs separately to the output
without affecting the input structure
Gain +12 to -50dB then -INF, 1dB increments, default =-INF
Mute on or off, default =Not Muted
Output Card Four channels - all with full processing power in each channel
Up to 4 output cards may
be installed for a total of 20
output channels!
Outputs Available Inputs
4 4,8,12,16,20
8 4,8,12,16
12 4,8,12
16 4,8
20 4
Monitor signal levels, Autoleveler gain, Limiter
reduction, Gate, Ducker, and clip status
Set gain stage for
optimum level
Gain +12 to -40dB,
0.1dB increments,
default = -40.0dB
Set channel delay
max delay 682ms
Delay 0-682ms,
default = 0ms
Inputs may be
routed to any
Bypass for HPF/
LPF, Delay, EQ and
Whole Channel
and Cross Point
Mixer Input