21NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Viewing Live Video
Click the Camera View button in the Action/Information pane to view live video captured by the
appliance, cameras connected to the appliance, or shared IP cameras on your network. Controls are
applied to the top-most camera image. Click an image to change its position to the top. To view all
camera images side by side, click the Tiled check box.
For information on shared IP cameras, see “Pod, Pelco Camera, and Rack Access PX-HID
Sharing” on page 93.
Standard camera controls
Control Description
Mode To change the size of the image, right-click the camera image, and select Configure
Camera. Select Settings, and, from the Mode drop-down list, choose dimensions
(resolution) for the image. The dimensions 640x480, for example, mean 640 pixels wide by
480 pixels high. N
OTE: As the image dimensions increase, the maximum image rate
available will decrease.
For more information, see “Camera Usage Considerations” on page 161.
Rate To change the frame rate, that is, the frequency that the video image is updated, make a
selection from the Refresh Rate drop-down list in the Camera View. N
OTE: The
maximum rate available is determined by the mode setting (described above) and, if
applicable, the image quality settings.
OTE: The maximum frame rate for shared IP cameras is limited to 15 frames per second.
For more information on image quality settings, see “Capture settings” on page 38.
For details on the relationship between the mode and image quality settings and the
maximum frame rate available, see “Camera Usage Considerations” on page 161.
For more information on shared IP cameras, see “Pod, Pelco Camera, and Rack Access PX-
HID Sharing” on page 93.
Zoom This zoom feature does not apply to Pelco PTZ cameras. See “Pelco PTZ camera controls”
on page 22 for details on the zoom features for Pelco PTZ cameras.
1. To avoid distortions, right-click the camera image and select Maintain aspect ratio.
2. Within the camera image, click and drag to draw a box around the area of interest.
3. Right-click the camera image and select Zoom in.
4. To return to the full camera image, right-click and select Zoom out.
Only available when a microphone is connected to the NetBotz appliance or a pod. Click to
listen to streaming audio. Click again to turn off the audio.
Only available when speakers are connected to the NetBotz appliance or a pod. Click and
hold the button while speaking into your system microphone. N
OTE: While transmitting
audio, you will not be able to hear audio from the device.
These audio features are only available when the Advanced Software Pack has been installed on
the system running Advanced View. The Advanced Software Pack is included with a NetBotz 550
or NetBotz 570 appliance, but must be purchased separately when using any other NetBotz
appliance. To check if the software pack has been installed, click the Configuration button, then
click License Keys from the Appliance Settings area.