Install the Rack PDU
Basic Rack Power Distribution Unit 5
Horizontal mounting. You can mount the Rack
PDU in a 19-inch NetShelter or other EIA-310-D
standard 19-inch rack:
1. Choose a mounting position for the Rack PDU
with either the display or the rear facing out of
the enclosure.
2. Attach the mounting brackets to the Rack
PDU, using the flat-head screws (provided).
3. Choose a location for the unit:
a. Insert caged nuts (provided with the
enclosure) above and below a notched hole
on each vertical mounting rail in your
chosen location.
b. Align the mounting holes of the brackets
with the installed caged nuts. Insert and
tighten screws.
No t e
The unit occupies one U-space. A
notched hole (or number, on newer
enclosures) on the enclosure’s
vertical rail indicates the middle of a