Section 7 Remote Controls
7.1 Device Message List by Function
Command messages and query messages
The header of the command message is a reserved word represented by
uppercase alphanumeric characters. The header field of the query mes-
sage ends with "?". The argument section of the command message and
the query message can contain multiple arguments delimited by a separa-
tor ",". Argument types are explained below:
[1] Uppercase characters : reserved words
[2] Numeric : reserved words
[3] Lowercase characters in the argument section:
f (Frequency) : numeric data (NR1, NR2 and NR3)
Suffix code : GHZ, GZ, MHZ, MZ, KHZ, KZ, HZ
When the unit is omitted, HZ applies.
l (Level) (relative value) : numeric data
(NR1, NR2 and NR3-formats)
Suffix code : DB
When the unit is omitted, DB applies.
n (integer without unit) : numeric data (NR1-format)
r (real number without unit) : numeric data (NR2-format)
h (hexadecimal without unit) : numeric data (hexadecimal)
s (string) : alphanumeric character enclosed in " " or ' '.