EDITION · 65 ·
Your Kindle can read aloud your books (where allowed by the rights holder),
newspapers, blogs, and personal documents with the Kindle Experimental
application, Text-to-Speech.
To turn on Text-to-Speech, follow these steps:
1. Press the Menu button.
2. Move the 5-way down so that the “Text-to-Speech” option is underlined. Press the
5-way to select “turn on.” In a few moments, you will hear your content spoken
aloud. You can either listen to it through the Kindle’s external speakers or plug in
earphones into the headphone jack.
3. While Text-to-Speech is playing, the screen will update to the corresponding page
of text.
Note that if a rights holder of a book does not allow Text-to-Speech to read aloud
their content, then “Text-to-Speech” will be grayed and you will not be able to
select it.
Tip: By default, Text-to-Speech starts reading at the beginning of the page
currently displayed. To start reading at a particular spot, move the cursor where
you’d like the reading to begin before starting Text-to-Speech.
Press the Text key for Text-to-Speech controls.