Chapter 9 · 119KINDLE USER’S GUIDE 4
To transfer content downloaded to your computer, over to your Kindle, follow
these steps:
1. Connect the USB cable (provided with your Kindle) to the Kindle and
your computer.
2. Your Kindle should appear on your computer in the same location you would
normally find an external USB drive.
3. Open your Kindle. You should see a folder entitled “documents.”
4. Transfer the downloaded files into the “documents” folder of your Kindle.
5. Using your computer, unmount your Kindle from your computer. The content
you transferred should now appear in Home.
9.3 Contacting Kindle Support
If you have problems with your Kindle, please contact one of our Customer Service
members who will be happy to assist you.
From within the U.S.:
web: http://www.amazon.com/kindlesupport
e-mail: kindle-cs-support@amazon.com
phone: 1-866-321-8851 (toll free)
Outside the U.S.:
phone: 1-206-266-0927 (charges will apply)