
Chapter 9 · 120KINDLE DX USER’S GUIDE 2
Delivery status for — view the status of recently ordered books and your
subscriptions to determine what content has been recently delivered wirelessly
to your Kindle(s).
Your default 1-Click payment method — allows you to update the payment
method Kindle uses to make purchases on Amazon.com. All Kindle transactions
are completed with 1-Click. Changes made to your default 1-Click method will apply
to your future Amazon.com 1-Click transactions, but will not change your current
active Kindle subscriptions.
Your active Kindle subscriptions — view which subscriptions are currently active,
change payment information, and see billing details, and re-download past issues
up to seven issues prior. You can see all of your active and inactive subscriptions
by going to “Manage Your Kindle Subscriptions,” which you access from the Your
Account or Manage Your Kindle pages. Click the “+” located next to the name of the
periodical to download individual editions to your computer or to a specific Kindle.
Your orders — view your purchase history and re-download past orders. You can view
details of individual orders, including information such as order date. Click the “+”
located next to the name of a title to download individual orders to your computer or
to a specific Kindle device.
Your individual charges — individual charges include fees for Personal Document
Service (via Whispernet). Click the “+” located next to a date to see more details about
converted documents.
Manage synchronization between devices. Learn more. — allows you to turn
Whispersync off or on. When Whispersync is off, your book will still open to the
last page read on that Kindle, but Whispersync will no longer sync its annotations
or furthest page read with other Kindles. If you plan to read the same book on more
than one Kindle at a time, it is recommended that you keep synchronization on.