| Buying Apps From Your Device | 15
Option Description
located beside the Search Appstore field to initaiate
the search.
Browse recommendations
Swipe both horizontally and vertically to view
recommended apps by category based on your previous
searches and purchases and on their popularity. If you
don't see the app you want listed, tap the See All option
that appears alongside each category heading to see all
the apps in a category.
Scroll through the listing of apps that results from your action in the previous step to find the app you want.
Tap the app's logo to go to its product description page. Read the information to ensure the app is compatible with
your Kindle Fire HD.
Tap the orange button displaying the app's price to purchase it.
Note: If you do not have Mobile 1-Click purchasing set up, you will be prompted to do so.
After you tap the purchase button, it changes color to green and now reads Get App.
Tap the Get App button to initiate the download of the app onto your device.
After installation is complete, the button changes appearance yet again: It is once again orange and reads Open.
Tap it to launch your new app.