Preprogrammed Food Pads (Usage instructions page 11)
*To cook multiple items, press preprogrammed pad until desired quantity is reached.
Pad# Pad
Uses Instructions
1 REHEAT :10 Reheat cinnamon roll, soften butter.
2 REHEAT :30 Reheat pizza slice, cook scrambled egg.
3 REHEAT 1:30 Reheat plate of food or cheese spread.
4 FROZEN VEG. 4:00 Cooks a 9-10 ounce package of frozen Empty contents of package into
vegetables to serving temperature. casserole dish. Heat, covered.
To reprogram pad to cook other package sizes: Stir halfway through. If heating vegetables
Package Size Time in a pouch, pierce pouch before heating.
4-5 ounces 2:00-2:30
6-8 ounces 2:00-3:00
12-16 ounces 4:30-6:00
28-32 ounces 9:00-11:00
Heats a 7 1/2-8 1/2 ounce (room temperature)
Prepare minimeal for heating per package
minimeal (microwave cup) to serving temperature. instructions. Stir soups before heating to
Heat up to four meals at once.* prevent boil-overs. Stir before serving.
To reprogram pad to heat other sizes:
Package Size Time
10 1/2 ounces 1:35-1:50
6 SOUP 1:45 Cooks a 10 1/2-11 ounce can of soup to Stir soup or pour from can into serving bowl
serving temperature. Heat one to four individual before heating to prevent boil-overs.
servings at once.* Cover with vented plastic wrap.
7 POTATO 3:00 Cooks a 6-7 ounce baking potato. Pierce skin of potato with fork for steam
Cook one to 8 potatoes at once.* To escape. Place in oven on microwave-safe
reprogram the pad to cook other sizes paper towel. Turn over halfway through. Let
of potatoes: stand 2 minutes before serving. If cooking
Weight Time more than one potato, arrange in circular
5-6 ounces 2:45-3:00 pattern on microwave-safe paper towel.
9-10 ounces 3:15-3:30
11-12 ounces 3:30-4:00
8 HOT DRINK 1:15 Heats room temperature 6-8 ounce drink. To prevent boil-overs when heating cocoa,
Heat one to four individual servings at once.* heat water before adding cocoa.
9 POPCORN 2:30
Designed to pop most 3.5 ounce packages of microwave
Follow package directions for popping.
popcorn. To program for different size bags of popcorn: Place popcorn bag on glass turntable.
Weight Time Do not place popcorn bag on oven floor.
1.5-1.75 ounce 1:50-2:10
7 ounce 4:20-4:35
2:45 Cooks single serving 7" round or 4 1/2" Prepare pizza for cooking per package
deep dish pizza or 7"x3"x3 1/2" french bread pizza. instructions. Turn quarter turn halfway
For best results, choose pizzas with packaging through cooking time.
that enhances crispness and browning.