Alcatel-Lucent 735x ISAM FTTB Product Portfolio 9
The Alcatel-Lucent 7356 ISAM FTTB REM has been
especially designed for service providers rolling out Very
High Speed Broadband services using VDSL2 or ADSL2+
from remote deployments, with a smooth migration for
existing ADSL and voice customers. The Distributed
DSLAM concept makes the Alcatel-Lucent 7356 ISAM
FTTB REM particularly well suited for large-scale deploy-
ments and for the extension of an existing ISAM deployment
to FTTB/FTTN remotes. Support for P2P Ethernet line
card provides a path towards mixed DSL/fiber deploy-
ments from the cabinet. The 7356 ISAM FTTB REM
accepts two ISAM line cards (VDSL2, multi-ADSL, P2P
Ethernet, and voice), and one or two ISAM splitter boards.
The Alcatel-Lucent 7357 ISAM FTTB SEM meets the
challenges of service providers deploying Very High Speed
Broadband services using VDSL2 from outdoor remote
deployments. It is weatherproof and hardened for outdoor
deployments (wall/pole mounted), which is extremely
cost-effective and allows for a faster-time-to-market because
operators do not have to build cabinets or negotiate building
access with landlords. It’s also optimized for residential
deployments being absolutely silent (thanks to passive
cooling), with a small footprint. In addition, the unique
hosted concept makes the Alcatel-Lucent FTTB SEM
particularly well-suited for large-scale deployments and for
extension of an existing ISAM deployment to FTTB/
FTTC remotes. The Alcatel-Lucent 7357 ISAM FTTB
SEM is an ideal complement for cabinet deployments,
allowing operators to reach 100 percent coverage in a
cost-effective way.
ISAM VDSL2 LT – Up to 70 Mb/s – 48 p VDSL2, all/12/17
profiles, backwards ADSL/ADSL2+ compatible
Fast rollout – 100 percent coverage – remote power,
passive cooling; no cabinets required
Distributed DSLAM –Low OPEX/aggregation CAPEX;
full feature parity with CO/FTTN
Outdoor/residential areas – Absolutely silent; small
footprint; weatherproof, +45 plus solar load
Smart DSL – Stabilize lines at up to 30 percent higher rate
than traditional way
ISAM VDSL2 LT – Up to 70 Mb/s – 48p VDSL2, all 8/12/17
profiles, backwards ADSL/ADSL2+ compatible
Smallest MSAN on the market – ISAM LTs – DSL, voice
and P2P Ethernet; clock synchronization over fiber
Distributed DSLAM – Low OPEX/aggregation CAPEX, full
feature parity with CO/FTTN
Indoor/outdoor – EMC and industrial temperature hardened
(-40ºC to +70ºC)
Smart DSL – Stabilize lines at up to 30 percent higher rate
than the traditional way