
Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan4
Outstanding multiservice
access gateway
The Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan
family is based on an outstand-
ing multiservice access gateway
platform that offers a unified,
flexible, integrated architecture
for a wide variety of network
Integrated management
In addition to the multiservice
gateway platform, the family
includes the integrated
Alcatel-Lucent 1353 Litespan
Management System (LMS).
Both the Alcatel-Lucent 1540
Litespan Multiservice Access
Gateway (Alcatel-Lucent 1540
Litespan) and the Alcatel-
Lucent 1353 LMS are integrated
and tested with other Alcatel-
Lucent products to ensure end-
to-end NGN solutions.
The Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan family is a central element in Alcatel-
Lucent’s access networks product portfolio, serving as a multiservice access-
based media gateway and offering:
offices/home offices (SOHOs), small/medium enterprises (SMEs) and
large corporations
hierarchy (SDH), ATM, IP and Ethernet
The Alcatel-Lucent multiservice access
network solution