
Commands by Subsystem 3
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 297
(see page 530)
Query Syntax
The :SYSTem:ERRor? query outputs the next error number and text from
the error queue. The instrument has an error queue that is 30 errors deep
and operates on a first- in, first- out basis. Repeatedly sending the
:SYSTem:ERRor? query returns the errors in the order that they occurred
until the queue is empty. Any further queries then return zero until
another error occurs.
Return Format
<error number>,<error string><NL>
<error number> ::= an integer error code in NR1 format
<error string> ::= quoted ASCII string containing the error message
Error messages are listed in "Error Messages" on page 499.
See Also "Introduction to :SYSTem Commands" on page 294
"*ESR (Standard Event Status Register)" on page 68
"*CLS (Clear Status)" on page 65