
Your iStep program can be configured to
meet the unique needs of your customers,
and to gain the most from your equipment.
iStep Settings
Click on iStep settings in the configuration
menu to access the following choices:
Frames: Adjust the number of scans taken
during a test. More frames will usually give the
conductive mat more time to compress and
produce hotter colors. The default is 20.
Static Reduction: Adjusts the overall
sensitivity of the iStep. If there is too
much red, or dots appearing where there
is no pressure, increase the Static
Reduction. Can be set between 0 and 50.
Postural Sensitivity: Adjust the sensitivity
during the standing test. Sensitivity can be
set between 0 and 255.
Dynamic Sensitivity: Adjust the sensitivity
during a walking test. Sensitivity can be set
between 0 and 255.
Sensitivity Test: To adjust the sensitivity
of your iStep scanner, click on the Test
button. A box will appear (Figure 4F).
Stand on the iStep scanner and click on
‘Start Test.’ When the test has finished,
move the slider located below the test
window until the desired test results
appear. Click ‘Save Sensitivity’ and
‘Close.’ This test can be done for both
Postural and Dynamic tests.
MT Pressure (1-15): Metatarsal Pressure-
Enter a number from 1 to 15 to represent the
metatarsal (MT) pressure levels, with 15
representing the highest level. These levels
are used to determine at what pressure level
the system will recommend a metatarsal pad
for the patient. The default pressure level of
13 has been set as recommended by Aetrex
Worldwide, Inc.
MT # of Sensors (1-10): Metatarsal Number
of Sensors - Enter a number to represent the
number of sensors that must record at the set
MT pressure from above, in order for the sys-
tem to recommend a metatarsal pad. The
default number of 4 sensors has been set as
recommended by Aetrex Worldwide, Inc.