
Display Options
Display options allow you to set the
map orientation and some of the
information items displayed.
North Up/Heading Up – Determines if the map is always displayed with
North direction at the top of the screen or if map is always adjusted so that
vehicle symbol points toward the top of the screen.
Display Clock – Turn the display of the clock on or o.
ETA – Turn the estimated time of arrival function on or o.
Status Bar Display On/O – Turn the display of the Status Bar on or o.
GPS Icon Display On/O – Turn the display of the GPS reception symbol on
or o.
Scale Icon Display On/O – Determines if the map scale symbol is shown.
Compass Icon Display On/O – Turn the Compass symbol on or o.
Next Maneuver On/O – Set the display of the turn symbol.
Soft Keys Auto-Hide On/O – Turn the function key display on or o.
Intersection Zoom On/O – Turn the true view on or o.