TRACER 2 x E1 User’s Manual
Section 2 Installation
9. Reattach the cable assemblies from the ports labelled “Tx” and “Rx” on the RFC and the
ports labelled “J1” and “J2” on the diplexer. Cable connections should be aligned to each
other as follows.
Plan A Plan B
RF converter Tx connected to RF converter Tx connected to
Diplexer Port J1 Diplexer Port J2
RF converter Rx connected to RF converter Rx connected to
Diplexer Port J2 Diplexer Port J1
10. Replace and secure the RFC cover.
For mastmounted systems, do the following to reconfigure the RFC interconnect:
1. Remove the lid of the mast RFC.
2. Disconnect the three cables attached to the diplexer. The diplexer may be identified by
following the antenna connector to the middle connector of the diplexer. Leave the cables in
the same positions.
3. Remove the two screws securing the diplexer and rotate the diplexer to reveal the opposite
frequency plan label.
4. Reinstall the two screws and reattach the cables in the same positions – Minimum bend
radius on cables is 3/4 inches (2 cm). Exercise care in handling and forming bends in these
5. Reinstall the lid of the mast RFC.