Chapter 3: Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
36 Express L128/L128T User Manual 61202.070L1-1
The WAN menu is used to set up the ISDN parameters for the Express L128/
L128T. Also, for the Express L128T, a POTS menu is provided. Figure 3-3
shows the WAN menu.
You can run the L128/L128T with Frame Relay if you obtain the appropriate firm-
ware. See Appendix F on page 149 for information.
Figure 3-3
Configuration/WAN Screen
Write security: 2; Read security: 5
Selects the mode the ISDN line is in. If connecting to the public network, select
Dial (def). If connecting to a leased wire for back-to-back operation, select
ISDN/Dial Line
Dial Line parameters are entered under this menu.
Dial Line/ExpertISDN
Write security: 2; Read security: 5
The ExpertISDN option allows automatic determination of Service Profile
Identifier (SPID) 1 and SPID 2 with entry of the Local Directory Number(s)