61200051L1-1D ISU 2x64 Dual Port ISDN Service Unit User Manual 109
Appendix D
S-Register List
S0.........AUTO ANSWER Determines how the ISU 2x64 answers an incoming
0 = Disable (ISU 2x64 does not answer call)
1 = Enable (ISU 2x64 answers all calls) (default)
2 = Dump all calls
S2.........BREAK IN Determines which key or character (in ASCII code)
CHARACTER defines the escape command. The standard escape
character is a + sign (ASCII value of 43 decimal). To
change the character set, set S2 to the desired ASCII
Range = 0 to 127
S3.........END OF LINE Determines which key or character (in ASCII code)
a command line. The standard end-of-line char-
acter is the carriage return (ASCII value of 13 deci-
Range = 0 to 127
S4.........LINE FEED Determines which key or character (in ASCII code)
CHARACTER advances the cursor to the next line after ending a
command line or after an ISU 2x64 message. The stan-
dard character is the line feed (ASCII value of 10 dec-
Range = 0 to 127
S5.........BACK SPACE Determines which key moves the cursor back one
CHARACTER space to erase a character. The standard character is
the backspace (ASCII value of 8 decimal).
Range = 0 to 127