Chapter 3: Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
84 Express XL/XLT User Manual 61200070L1-1
Telnet/User List
Up to four users can be configured for access to the Express XL/XLT. Each
user can be assigned a privilege and time out.
User List/Name
Write security: 1; Read security: 3
A text string of the user name for this session.
User List/Authen Method
Write security: 1; Read security: 3
The user can be authenticated in two ways:
Password - The Password field is used to authenticate the user.
Radius - The Radius client is used for authenticating the user.
User List/Password
Write security: 0; Read security: 3
When the authenticating method is password, this text string is used for the
User List/Idle Time
Write security: 1; Read security: 3
When set to non-zero, the session is automatically logged out when no activity
occurs for this amount of time. The range is 0 to 255 and is in minutes. The
default is 10 minutes, and a setting of 0 will never time out the session. When
a timeout occurs during an edit session, all changes are saved.
User List/Level
Write security: 0; Read security: 1
This is the security level privilege that is assigned for this user. See Security
Levels on page 33 for an explanation of what those levels imply. Level 0 is the