Appendix B: Log Messages
92 Express L768/L1.5 User Manual 61202192L1-1
EAP authen failed
level 3
The PPP peer has rejected the Express L768/L1.5’s username and/or pass-
word used for authenticating. Check to make sure the Configuration/Con-
nection List/Authentication parameters Tx Method, Tx Username, and Tx
Password are correct.
IPCP <X> down
level 5
IP Control Protocol port <X> has been dropped between Express L768/L1.5
and PPP peer.
IPCP <X> up
level 5
IP Control Protocol port <X> has been successfully negotiated between Ex-
press L768/L1.5 and PPP peer.
IPXCP <X> down
level 5
IPX Control Protocol port <X> has been dropped between Express L768/L1.5
and PPP peer.
IPXCP <X> up
level 5
IPX Control Protocol port <X> has been successfully negotiated between Ex-
press L768/L1.5 and PPP peer.
LCP <X> down
level 5
Link Control Protocol port <X> has been dropped between Express L768/L1.5
and PPP peer.
LCP <X> up
level 5
Link Control Protocol port <X> has been successfully negotiated between Ex-
press L768/L1.5 and PPP peer.
Link is looped back
level 3
The Express L768/L1.5 has dialed a location which is looping back all data.
Essentially, it has negotiated PPP with itself.