Unit Installation NetVanta 3200/3300/3400 Series
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Mounting Options
The NetVanta 3200 can be installed in a wallmount or tabletop configuration. The NetVanta 3205 and
NetVanta 3305, NetVanta 3430, NetVanta 3448, NetVanta 3450, and NetVanta 3458 can be installed in a
tabletop, wallmount, or 19-inch rackmount configuration.
For tabletop mounting, you can attach rubber mounting feet to the bottom of the unit if desired. The
following sections provide step-by-step instructions for rack mounting and wall mounting.
Rack Mounting NetVanta 3205, NetVanta 3305, NetVanta 3430, NetVanta 3448, NetVanta
3450, and NetVanta 3458
The NetVanta 3205, NetVanta 3305, NetVanta 3430, NetVanta 3448, NetVanta 3450, and NetVanta 3458
are 1U-high, rack-mountable units that can be installed into 19-inch equipment racks. Follow these steps to
mount the NetVanta 3000 Series unit into a rack.
To access the CLI of the NetVanta, you will also need a PC with VT-100 terminal emulation
software and a console port cable. Instructions on how to access the CLI are available in
the quick start guide shipped with your unit or online on the ADTRAN Support Community
The rackmount kit for the NetVanta 3430 and NetVanta 3448 is not included in shipments
of these products. You must order the rackmount kit separately:
NetVanta 3430/3448 Series Rackmount Kit, part number 1200827E1
If you have purchased P/N 4200368L1, which includes the VPN Accelerator Card with the
NetVanta 3305, install the card before mounting the unit. Refer to Installing the NetVanta
VPN Accelerator Card (included in P/N 4200368L1) on page 77.
• If installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambient temperature
of the rack environment may be greater than room ambient temperature. Therefore,
consideration should be given to installing the equipment in an environment compatible
with the maximum ambient temperature specified by the manufacturer.
• Installation of the equipment in a rack should be such that the amount of air flow
required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised. Allow 1-inch
clearance between units for sufficient air flow.
• Be careful not to compromise the stability of the equipment mounting rack when
installing this product.
• Consideration should be given to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit
and the effect that overloading the circuit might have on overcurrent protection and
supply wiring. Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be
used when addressing this concern.
• Reliable grounding of rack-mounted equipment should be maintained. Particular
attention should be given to supply connections other than direct connections to the
branch circuit (e.g., use of power strips).