
ADTRAN IP SoftPhone User Manual The Settings Dialog
61950859L1-1A Copyright © 2006 ADTRAN, Inc. 33
Figure 5 shows the Firewall/NAT menu for a SIP account configuration. Detailed information on these
configuration options is listed below. When the information is complete, select
OK to save the settings.
Figure 5. Firewall/NAT Menu
Table 5. Service Provider Information
Enable this SIP Account Check this box to enable this SIP account.
Display Name
This is the value that will show on the call display window
of many phones.
User Name
This value is assigned to the user by their VoIP service
provider or administrator.
This value is assigned to the user by their VoIP service
provider administrator.
Authorization User Name
May be required by the service provider. The value is often
blank, or the same as the User Name.
Register with Domain
Check this box if users must register with their SIP proxy to
receive inbound calls
Use as Outbound Proxy
Check this box to use the domain proxy host as an
outbound proxy. Often an outbound proxy is used for call
accounting and may be used to traverse firewalls.
SIP Listen Port
Set this value to specify the UDP port on which to listen for
SIP messages.
Clear Button
Select this button to clear any information in the current