Section 5, User Interface - Menu Descriptions
61179605L5-5B 5-67
Table 5-48. SHDSL Loop 1 Configuration Fields
Field LTU Description NTU Description
Vendor ID This field displays the unit vendor
This field displays the modem
vendor ID.
Part Number This field displays the part
number of the unit.
This field displays the part
number of the modem.
Serial Number This field displays the serial
number of the unit.
This field displays the serial
number of the modem.
Product Revision This field displays the current
product revision of the unit.
This field displays the current
product revision of the modem.
Manufacture Date This field displays the unit
Manufacture Date.
This field displays the modem
Manufacture Date.
CLEI Code This field displays the Common
Language Equipment Identifier
(CLEI) of the unit.
This field displays the Common
Language Equipment Identifier
(CLEI) of the modem.
SHDSL Version This field displays the unit SHDSL
This field displays the modem
SHDSL Version.
Vendor List Number This field displays the unit Vendor
List Number.
This field displays the modem
Vendor List Number.
Vendor Issue Number This field displays the unit Vendor
Issue Number.
This field displays the modem
Vendor Issue Number.
Boot Revision This field displays the unit Boot
Sector Revision.
This field displays the unit Boot
Sector Revision.
Software Revision This field displays the software
revision of the active unit. This
field updates automatically when
a software download is completed.
This field displays the software
revision of the modem. This field
updates automatically when a
software download is completed.
Software Checksum This field displays the unit
Software Checksum.
This field displays the modem
Software Checksum.