User Manual 61203019L1-1
NT1 ACE User Manual
Powering TEs from the NT1 ACE
The ADTRAN NT1 ACE can be used to provide power for
TEs connected to the local interface. The NT1 ACE, part
number 1203019L1, supplies power by a separate wire pair
(PS2) on the two data jacks marked LOCAL, as shown in
Figure 2 on page 1. The ADTRAN NT1 ACE International,
part number 1203019L3, also incorporates power source 1
(PS1) which provides power over the transmit and receive
pairs. Table 3 lists Local Bus connector pin assignments.
Before attempting to power any TE from the NT1 ACE, ver-
ify that it can accept power from a PS1 or PS2 power source.
Table 3. Local Bus Connector Pin Assignments
Powering with the NT1 Power Supply
The ADTRAN NT1 Power Supply, part number 336048VUR-
2, provides up to 10 watts of power at -48 VDC. The
NT1 ACE requires 1.1 watts, leaving approximately 8.9
watts to power the TE(s). Before connecting any TE to be
Pin Description
1 No connection
2 No connection
3 S/T interface Receive Power Source 1 (Positive)
4 S/T interface Transmit Power Source 1 (Negative)
5 S/T interface Transmit Power Source 1 (Negative)
6 S/T interface Receive Power Source 1 (Positive)
7 Power Source 1 (Negative)
8 Power Source 2 (Positive)