61200.130L1-1 FSU User Manual 89
Chapter 10. Statistics
Current Statistics
Information given is for the selected port since the last clear.
Leads On
If a lead has become active on the selected port since the last
screen refresh, it is listed in the View Statistics menu. See Figure
RTS Request to send
DTR Data terminal ready
CTS Clear to send
DSR Data set ready
DCD Data carrier detect
Totals given are for the selected port since the last clear.
Rx Frames Received frames
Tx Frames Transmitted frames
Rx Bytes Received bytes
Tx Bytes Transmitted bytes
Counts given for the following errors are for the selected port
since the last clear:
Rx Errored Frames Frames dropped due to one or more
CRC Errors Frames received with CRC16 violations
(not available when Trans Async
protocol is selected).
Parity Errors Frames received with parity errors (only
available when Trans Async protocol is
Rcv Overrun Receive FIFO (first in first out) overrun.
External clock for network port is too
Inv Formats Frames received with invalid
encapsulation code points.