March 31, 1999
Archive compartment for dynamic use
of the I/O unit under HACC/MVS
Archive compartment for dynamic use
of the I/O unit (in HACC/MVS only
for optical disk)
Volser type for storage media
• (U): Undefined (no scratch medium
or scratch media management not on the AMU
• (S): Scratch medium
VType cannot be changed in the Archive Catalog Man-
The value of this field can be changed
only with a host command.
Number of accesses to the compartment.
Use Count cannot be changed in the Archive Catalog
not used
Access right of the robot to the compartment
Answer of AMS with message number (☞ AMU Refer-
ence Guide)
after an unsuccessful command
(e. g. Not found: RC = 1032)
Field Explanation