aci_drivestatus3 4-27
21 Dec 2001
Figure 4-20 aci_drivestatus3 Function Call
Return the status of drives which are set to UP for the client
with the name clientname. If clientname is the NULL string,
the call returns status on all drives. The status is returned in an
array of pointers to aci_ext_drive_entry structure. The array
element can be maximal 250. See Figure 4-21.
Figure 4-21 Returned Status
See Table 4-9 for an explanation of the parameters used for the
aci_drivestatus3 function.
Table 4-9 Parameters for the aci_drivestatus3 Function Call
Parameter Description
clientname name of the client that requested the status of the
drives. If clientname is the NULL string, return status
on all drives.
Using SHARED_ACCESS as a key word for the client
shows all drives which are allocated in the
SHARED_ACCESS mode. Using EXUP as a key word
for the clientname shows all drives which are
allocated in the EXUP mode.
#include "aci.h"
init aci_drivestatus3 ( char *clientname,
struct aci_ext_drive_entry *pstDriveEntry[])
struct aci_ext_drive_entry {
char drive_name[ACI_DRIVE_LEN];
char amu_drive_name[ACI_AMU_DRIVE_LEN];
enum aci_drive_status drive_state;
char type;
char system_id[ACI_NAME_LEN];
char volser[ACI_VOLSER_LEN];
bool_t cleaning
short clean_count
int mount
int keep