© December 2004, ADIC 13
SCSI-Attached Devices: Connect the storage devices to the SCSI bus on the server. Make sure the
SCSI bus is properly terminated. Refer to your library’s user manual for instructions on setting the SCSI
The AMASS installation script retrieves and displays device addresses to aid you in the AMASS
configuration process.
7 Apply power to the storage devices and boot the UNIX server.
8 To assist you in answering the AMASS script questions, refer to the “Worksheet” chapter in the Installing
AMASS book.
9 To install AMASS, refer to the Installing AMASS book. For any last minute instructions, refer to the
Release Notes.
10 After AMASS is installed, reboot the UNIX server if necessary.
11 To verify the configuration, run the install_tests script. For complete information on this script, refer
to the Installation Procedure chapter in the Installing AMASS book.
12 Make a full backup of the AMASS File System Database and Journal by running the amassbackup -
command with a new Backup Volume.
13 Decide how you want to organize the AMASS file system. For example, what directories should be
under the AMASS mount point? Set permissions for these directories to allow clients to access the file
system. AMASS supports read and write permissions only; Access Control Lists (ACLs) are not
14 Load media and create entries in the AMASS database for all your media. For detailed steps, refer to
the “Initial Setup Tasks” chapter in the Managing the AMASS File System book.
15 Decide if you want to apportion media into volume groups to keep project data or department data
together on a specified number of volumes. Also, do you want to have a volume group for cleaning
cartridges? For a description of volume groups, refer to either the AMASS Overview book or the
Managing the AMASS File System book.
Authorization String
During an AMASS installation, you are prompted to enter an authorization string. Contact ATAC to obtain
the authorization string.
Prior to obtaining an authorization string, you can use a 30-day temporary product key. To determine the
temporary product key for your specific library, go to the ADIC Web site at www.adic.com
A week before the 30-day time limit, AMASS displays a message on the system console indicating that the
temporary product key will expire. When this happens, contact ATAC and request a permanent
authorization string. If a valid authorization string is not entered by the end of the expiration period, AMASS
converts to read-only mode; no data is lost.
For an upgrade, your existing authorization string will remain valid; it is not
necessary to request a new one if your system ID remains the same.
The temporary product keys do not enable optional software features.