ADCP-75-192 • Issue 2 • June 2007
Page 53
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Upgrading a CPU does not require that a restore of the backed up files be performed unless a
problem is encountered. Any data contained in the MIBmap files and any configuration data in
the system configuration files will remain untouched through a software upgrade. The only time
that backup data needs to be recovered is when an upgrade has failed and the CPU is being
reverted to the previous version using the downgrade script. In this event, the downgrade script
will automatically attempt to restore the backup data at the end of the downgrade process.
Alternatively, the backup/restore steps can be run manually, with the backup file being saved to
any location on any CPU connected to the network. The steps for doing this are as follows:
4.3.1 Backup
1. Telnet to the target hubmaster CPU, using operator/operate as the username/password
2. Run the backup script:
sudo backup-hubmaster operator@<target-IP>:/var <backupname>.tar
4.3.2 Restore
Again, note that a restore only needs to be performed if problems with the upgrade have been
encountered and the CPU is going to be downgraded.
1. Telnet to the target hubmaster CPU, using operator/operate as the username/password
2. Run the restore script:
sudo backup-hubmaster -r operator@<target-IP>:/var <backupname>.tar
3. Reboot by entering: sudo reboot
4.4 Adding/Removing SNMP Traps
SNMP traps are sent automatically by the ADC system to all managers named “trap-sink” in
To add an entry to DNS, use the nsupdate (sudo nsupdate) command on the hubmaster. The
application nsupdate will prompt for an input, (‘>’) at which point enter:
update add version-trap-sink.domain 3600 A address
Note that:
• version should be either “v1” or “v2”, depending on whether you want SNMP version 1
traps or version 2 notifications to be sent to the sink, respectively.
• address should be the IP address of a trap-sink (an SNMP manager that can receive traps);
there can be any number of trap-sinks – simply enter one line per trap sink.
• domain is that of the ADC system subnet on which nsupdate is being run.
Note: The restore script is simply the backup script invoked with a “-r” switch. The “-r”
switch is identical to the switch “--restore”.