© Adam Equipment Company 2004
• Unpack the scale carefully.
• Place the scale on a solid worktop or anti vibration table.
• Place the rectangular pan on the mechanism through the 4 holes
situated at 4 corners.
• Turn the adjustable feet until the scale is steady.
• Press the [On] button and wait for a few seconds for the zero reading to
be displayed.
• The scale will then begin normal operation.
• The scale will initially display the weight in the previously selected units.
• It is suggested that the scale be calibrated before use.
• Allow the scale to warm up for at least 15 minutes before calibration.
• The scale is turned on by pressing the [On] key. There should be no
load on the scale when it is switched on.
• When the scale is switched on, the display will show the software
revision number in the form
. After about 2 seconds, the display
will show the rated scale capacity. This will be in the form ,
where is the capacity in kilograms if the last selected units were
Grams or Kilograms, or , where is the capacity in pounds if
the last selected units were Pounds, Ounces or Pounds & Ounces.
After a further 2 seconds all the display segments will turn on for
approximately 2 seconds. The scale is then zeroed and displays a zero
reading, accompanied by the last selected units.
• If the reading from the scale indicates that a load is in place on the
scale at power-up, an error message will flash on the display for
about 5 seconds.
• If the reading from the scale indicates that the weighing pan is not in
place on the scale at power-up, an error message will flash on the
display for about 5 seconds.