@Adam Equipment Company 2004
Power switch- use this key to turn on and turn off the scale.
[CHANGE] Division change key- use this key to change division.
When in setting mode, use this key to change parameter.
[LOCK] Reading lock key- use this key to lock reading.
When in setting mode, use this key to escape setting.
In calibrate mode, use this key to change the decimal point.
[ZERO] Re-zero key- use this key to return zero reading.
When in setting mode, use this key to store the setting.
Lock indicator- when this indicator is on, scale is reading
data in lock mode.
Press the [LOCK] key to return to normal weighing mode.
Stable indicator- this indicator means the current data is
stable and you can read the data.
When in calibrate mode, make sure to proceed only when
this indicator is on.
Zero indicator- this indicates the scale is in zero point.