©Adam Equipment Company 2009
Calibration may be required when the scale is initially installed or moved to a new location.
Over time and use, mechanical deviations may occur so it is recommended that you
calibrate you scale regularly.
Before calibrating your should make sure you have a suitable weight. The weights should
be known to an accuracy that is appropriate for the balance being calibrated, for example,
OIML Class M1 type or ASTM E617 Class 4. If you do not have proper weights do not
attempt calibration.
Calibration weight: 500g, 1000g or 1500g.
1) To enter into the calibration parameter turn the power off and press [S/P/CE] and
[Recall/Tare] keys together once during the self check sequence.
2) The display will show UnLOAD, remove any weight from the pan.
3) Press the [Recall/Tare] key to enter a zero value.
4) The value last used for calibration will be displayed. To select a different calibration
weight, press the [S/P/CE] key. You can use either a 500g, 1000g or 1500g
calibration weight.
5) Once you have selected the weight to use press the [Recall/Tare] key.
6) LOAD will be displayed, place the weight on the pan.
7) Once the stable sign is shown press the [Recall/Tare] key.
8) If the weight is within 5% of the last calibration the display will show PASS and exist
the calibration routine. If the calibration is not successful the display will show FAIL
and exit the routine, if the calibration fails try again.