
Customising the system
Section 16. PIN Override
If you cannot disarm the system from the
remote transmitter - see troubleshooting, - you
will be able to disarm the system by using the
Personal Identification Number (PIN).
The CAT21 system leaves the factory with no
PIN override in its memory. We feel it is easier
for you, the rider, to enter a number which
means something to you and can easily be
remembered. You should never need to use
the PIN override, but if you do have to use it
then this system just might make life a bit
To enter a new PIN you will need access to
the system fuse (details of where the fuse is
positioned should be on the Certificate of
Installation. Acumen will not know where the
fuse is!). and you will have to be able to enter
service mode (see section 3)
The CAT21 has the ability to accept different
levels of security of the PIN - 4, 5 or 6 digits.
4 Digits will give 6561 combinations
5 Digits will give 59049 combinations, and
6 Digits will give 531441 combinations.
Each step in this process will be confirmed by
beeps or tones:
1. Disarm the system
2. Remove system fuse
(1 beep will confirm this)
3. Switch motorcycle ignition on. (1 beep)
4. Enter service mode (1 beep - 2 to 3 seconds)
5. Press ‘key’ and ‘P’ buttons together on the
transmitter (1 beep)
6. Replace system fuse (1 beep)
7. Switch ignition off (1 beep )
8. Press ‘key’ and ‘P’ buttons together on the
transmitter (2 beeps)
Should you get it wrong or distracted at any
point in this process, and you want to start the
process again, simply disarm the alarm with
the transmitter.
If the ignition is left OFF for more than 2
minutes and no action is taken, the system
will revert to Service Mode.
If the ignition is left ON for more than 10
seconds and no action is taken, the system
will revert to Service Mode.
YYoouu ccaann nnooww eenntteerr tthhee ppiinn ooff
yyoouurr cchhooiiccee;; ssaayy 44 ddiiggiittss -- 11223344
Ignition on, count 1 beep, ignition off
Ignition on, count 2 beeps, ignition off
Ignition on, count 3 beeps, ignition off
Ignition on, count 4 beeps, ignition off
Press the ‘P’ button on the transmitter.
YYoouu wwiillll nnooww ggeett oonnee lloonngg ttoonnee,, aanndd yyoouu wwiillll
nneeeedd ttoo ccoonnffiirrmm tthhee PPIINN
Ignition on, count 1 beep, ignition off
Ignition on, count 2 beeps, ignition off
Ignition on, count 3 beeps, ignition off
Ignition on, count 4 beeps, ignition off
You will get 2 long tones to confirm the PIN
has been entered successfully.
(3 short tones means the first and second
entry of the PIN did not match - try again!)
TThhee aabboovvee eexxaammppllee wwaass ffoorr aa PPIINN ooff 44 ddiiggiittss.. IIff
yyoouu wwaanntt 55 oorr 66 ddiiggiittss,, tthheenn yyoouu nneeeedd ttoo
cchhoooossee 55 oorr 66 nnuummbbeerrss bbeeffoorree yyoouu pprreessss tthhee
PP bbuuttttoonn oonn tthhee ttrraannssmmiitttteerr,, aanndd aaggaaiinn wwhheenn
yyoouu ccoonnffiirrmm tthhee PPIINN..