CounterPath eyeBeam 1.5
Account Properties – Presence
This tab appears only for the default account. However, the values set on that tab apply to all accounts. In other
words, presence as set up on this tab applies to all accounts, not just the default account. If you change the
default account, this Presence tab will be visible for the new default account and will not be visible for the
previous default account. The values will already be on the new tab: you will not have to set them up again.
Presence allows other softphone users to see your online status (availability), and also allows you to see the
online status of others. This tab lets you configure eyeBeam as it is supported by the VoIP service provider.
Once you have configured presence on this page, you can set up rules; see “Availability” on page 23 and
“Privacy Rules” on page 27.
Table 11: Account Properties – Presence
Field Description
Presence Mode
Choose the setting specified by your
Vo I P service provider:
• Disabled: Presence is not supported.
• Presence Agent.
If you choose Presence Agent, you must set the Storage method field (on the
Storage tab) to XCap.
Poll Time
Enter the value specified by your
Vo I P service provider. The factory setting is
Refresh Interval
Enter the value specified by your
Vo I P service provider. The factory setting is