14 Activities
Quick Look:
> Set up the “Hello” activity (all on)
> Set up the “Good Night” activity (all off)
> Set up a “Watch Movie” activity
> Set up a “Watch Satellite/Cable” activity
What you’ll be doing by the end of this section:
Controlling your entire home entertainment system with
one touch.
Set up your rst activities
Activities give you one-touch control over your entire home theater...watch movies, your favorite TV shows, listen to
music, all with the touch of a button. This chapter gets you started. This is how it works:
• a “Hello” activity turns on all your home theater devices automatically when you’re ready to start enjoying them
• customized activities to Watch Movies, Watch Satellite or Cable, Listen to Music, etc. let you switch seamlessly
between your favorite TV shows and DVDs
• when you’re nished enjoying your home theater, a “Good Night” activity turns everything off for you
Setting up the “Hello” activity (all on)
The “Hello” activity is a very important rst step to get the most from activities on your Xsight™ Color. Different devices
require different amounts of time to warm up before they can be used, which can interfere with the functioning of multi-
step activities like “Watch Movie,” which you’ll set up later in this section. The “Hello” activity makes sure everything is
on and ready for action when you want to use it.