- Test signal: 1024 x 768 @60Hz
- Test Pattern: Gray 10
Inspection item - Bright pixel check
Criteria - Bright pixel should be no more than 1 underBright pixel should be no more than 1 under
gray 10 pattern.
- Adjacent pixels are unacceptable.
- Ref. Defect specication table
3. Dark Pixel
Procedure - Test equipment: video generator
- Test signal: 1024 x 768 @60Hz
- Test Pattern: Full white
Inspection item - Dark pixels check
Criteria - The dark pixel should be no more than 6 under
full white pattern.
- Adjacent pixels are unacceptable.
- Ref. Defect specication table
4. Bright Blemish
Procedure - Test equipment: video generator
- Test signal: 1024 x 768 @60Hz
- Test Pattern: Gray 15
Inspection item - Bright blemish check
Criteria - The bright blemish should be no more than 10
under gray 15 pattern.
- Ref. Defect specication table
5. Dark Blemish
Procedure - Test equipment: video generator
- Test signal: 1024 x 768 @60Hz
- Test Pattern: Blue 60
Inspection item - Dark blemish check
Criteria - The dark blemish should be no more than 10
under blue 60 pattern.
Full white
Blue 60
Gray 15
Gray 10