Index-4 41-001160-00, Release 2.2 Rev 05
General Preferences 3-19
Goodbye Key
canceling incoming call using 5-85
goodbye key 1-7
Group Call Pickup (GCP) key 5-148
GRUU support 6-45
handsfree key 1-8
hold key 1-7
hostname 3-40
HTTP and HTTPS support 2-6
HTTP Post G-84
HTTP/HTTPS and Broadsoft CMS 2-8
client functions 2-7
client/server configuration 4-40
security method for A-33, A-34
server functions 2-7
using via Aastra Web UI 2-9
HTTPS certificate expiration 3-49
HTTPS certificate hostname 3-50
HTTPS client method 3-48
HTTPS Server block XML HTTP posts 3-47
HTTPS server redirect 3-47
HTTPS settings 3-47
HTTPS trusted certificates filename 3-50
HTTPS validate certificates 3-49
Icom key 5-151
icom key 5-159
incoming call interrupts dialing 5-76
Installation 1-16, 1-18, 1-21
Installation Guide, for IP phone 1-xviii
intercom feature
configuring 5-104
incoming calls 5-103
outgoing calls 5-102
Intercom key 1-30
intercom settings, incoming
allow barge in 3-24
auto-answer 3-24
microphone mute 3-24
play warning tone 3-24
intercom settings, outgoing
line 3-25
prefix code 3-25
type 3-25
intercom warning tone A-178
IP phone UI 2-2
key descriptions 1-11
key list in Web UI, customizing 5-164
key mapping
map conf key to 3-26
map redial key to 3-26
key mapping, enable/disable Redial, Xfer, Conf
Keys 5-113
key press simulation G-60
key press simulation, XML URI 5-355
key redirection (redial, conf, xfer, icom,
voicemail) 5-352
LAN Port 3-40
language 1 thru 4 3-34
overview 5-34
specifying on IP phone 5-37
WebPage Language 3-33, 3-34
language pack settings A-164
language settings A-162
language, input 5-41
keypad alpabet tables 5-41
specifying in XML applications 5-47