Troubleshooting Parameters
A-108 41-001129-00 Rev 09, Release 1.4.1
IP Phone Administrator Guide
Appendix A
Parameter –
log level
Log Level
(in Web UI)
Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Troubleshooting
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg
Description Specifies the severity level of the logs to be reported to a log file. When
this parameter is set to a specific value, only the logs with characteristics
of this value and higher are reported to the log file.
For example, if this parameter was set to “Info”, all logs with a severity of
Info and higher are reported to the log file (debug entries are dropped).
Changes to this parameter require a reboot of the IP Phone.
Log levels are:
Debug - All logs are reported to the log file.
Info - Informational logs and higher are reported to the log file (debug
logs are dropped).
Warn - Warning logs and higher are reported to the log file (info and
debug logs are dropped).
Error - Error logs and higher are reported to the log file (warning, info,
and debug logs are dropped).
Fatal - Fatal errors only are reported to the log file.
Format Not Applicable
Default Value 0 (Debug)
Range Aastra Web UI:
Configuration files:
0 (Debug)
1 (Info)
2 (Warn)
3 (Error)
4 (Fatal)
Example log level: 3